ManageIQ Blog

Announcing Euwe-3

We’ve just built Euwe-3. This release contains a security fix, bug fixes, numerous UI tweaks, and stabilization. You can download the Euwe-3 release here

Name of G Release

The results of the poll on the name of the G release are in. Nona Gaprindashvili is the winner! Looking forward to all the exciting features that will come in the Gaprindashvili release! Thanks to all that voted!! We had 104 total votes for the G-Release,…whereas, the F-Release garnered a total of 98 votes. The ManageIQ Community continues to grow!

Posting CloudForms Notifications to Slack

Keeping the whole IT team informed about events or actions in your IT infrastructure can be challenging. Many IT teams have turned to team messaging applications, like Slack, to improve internal team communications. CloudForms, with its flexible integration capabilities, can be connected to Slack to notify the team whenever important events happen.

Blood, fire and ManageIQ

In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded. Same as this Last week in ManageIQ post. My name is Robin, from the UI team. If you are reading this, I hope you are very enthusiastic and have very poor English grammar skill.

Announcing Euwe-2.1

We’ve just built Euwe-2.1. This release resolves the issue in Euwe-2, where dropdowns and trees don’t work in the UI. If you already have Euwe-2 installed, you can follow the steps here for the manual fix.

Last Week in ManageIQ: Mostly harmless update

Another week is behind us, a new one is here and it brings along the next weekly update. I’m Roman from ManageIQ UI team, and I’ll walk you through what happened in the last week in ManageIQ.

Sprint 57 review - March 29, 2017

Welcome to Sprint 57 recap. In this sprint we merged a total of 565 pull request combined, almost 10% more than last sprint’s 518, and well ahead of what we used to achieve with 3-week sprints in 2016! The 180 PRs in the main repo is distributed in thirds between enhancements, bugs, and everything else. We are also growing in number of repos, from 103 repos 5 sprints ago, to 108 now. The new repos introduced this sprint are amazon_ssa_support and manageiq-ui-scaffold. More info on them will come as they get populated.