Reports Support

Support for querying, importing and running Reports is now available. Access to reports and report results is through the following collections:


Querying Reports

Querying Available Reports

GET /api/reports

Querying a Single Report

GET /api/reports/:id

Querying Results of a Particular Reports

GET /api/reports/:id/results

Optionally, expanding all results

GET /api/reports/:id/results?expand=resources

Querying a single result of a report

GET /api/reports/:id/results/:result_id

Querying report results

GET /api/results

Running Reports

Running reports is done via the run action on a report resource as follows:

POST /api/reports/:id
  "action" : "run"

Example for running a report on the following:

  "href": "http://localhost:3000/api/reports/80",
  "id": "80",
  "name": "VM Relationships"


POST /api/reports/80
  "action" : "run"


  "success": true,
  "message": "running report 80",
  "href": "http://localhost:3000/api/reports/80",
  "result_id": "27",
  "result_href": "http://localhost:3000/api/results/27",
  "task_id": "726",
  "task_href": "http://localhost:3000/api/tasks/726"

The report run’s task can be queried periodically via the task_href specified above as follows:

GET /api/tasks/726
  "href": "http://localhost:3000/api/tasks/726",
  "id": "726",
  "name": "Generate Report: 'VM Relationships'",
  "state": "Queued",
  "status": "Ok",
  "message": "Task has been queued",
  "userid": "system",
  "created_on": "2015-11-09T18:44:41Z",
  "updated_on": "2015-11-09T18:44:41Z"
  "href": "http://localhost:3000/api/tasks/726",
  "id": "726",
  "name": "Generate Report: 'VM Relationships'",
  "state": "Finished",
  "status": "Ok",
  "message": "Generating report complete",
  "userid": "system",
  "created_on": "2015-11-09T18:44:41Z",
  "updated_on": "2015-11-09T18:47:13Z"

With the results queried via the result_href provided above:

GET /api/results/27
  "href": "http://localhost:3000/api/results/27",
  "id": "27",
  "name": "VM Relationships",
  "miq_report_id": "80",
  "miq_task_id": "726",
  "userid": "system",
  "report_source": "Requested by user",
  "db": "Vm",
  "report": {
    "name": "VM Relationships",
    "title": "VM Relationships",
    "rpt_group": "Relationships - Virtual Machines, Folders, Clusters",
    "rpt_type": "Default",
    "priority": 10,
    "db": "Vm",
    "cols": [
    "include": {
      "ext_management_system": {
        "columns": [
      "host": {
        "columns": [
      "storage": {
        "columns": [
    "col_order": [
    "headers": [
      "VM Name",
      "Provider Name",
      "Resource Pool",
    "conditions": {
      "exp": {
        "IS NOT EMPTY": {
          "field": ""
      "col_details": {
        "": {
          "data_type": "string",
          "virtual_reflection": false,
          "virtual_column": false,
          "excluded_by_preprocess_options": false,
          "tag": false,
          "include": {
            "host": {
          "format_sub_type": "string"
      "pexp": {
        "IS NOT EMPTY": {
          "field": ""
      "ruby": "<value ref=vm, type=string>/virtual/host/name</value> != \"\""
    "order": "Ascending",
    "sortby": [
    "filename": "450_Relationships - Virtual Machines, Folders, Clusters/010_VMs Relationships.yaml",
    "file_mtime": "2015-08-19T13:23:50Z",
    "template_type": "report",
    "col_formats": [

    "rpt_options": {
    "extras": {
      "total_html_rows": 1709
    "user_categories": [

    "trend_data": {
  "created_on": "2015-11-09T18:52:48Z",
  "last_run_on": "2015-11-09T18:52:56Z",
  "last_accessed_on": "2015-11-09T18:52:56Z",
  "result_set": [
      "name": "aab-vm1",
      "v_owning_datacenter": "",
      "v_owning_folder": "",
      "v_owning_resource_pool": "",
      "host.v_owning_cluster": "",
      "host.hostname": "",
      "": "StarStorage1"
      "id": "320"
      "name": "aab_demo_vm",
      "v_owning_datacenter": "",
      "v_owning_folder": "",
      "v_owning_resource_pool": "",
      "host.v_owning_cluster": "",
      "host.hostname": "",
      "": "StarStorage2",
      "id": "1"

Note that one can query all the results run for a report as follows:

GET /api/reports/80/results?expand=resources&attributes=created_on
  "name": "results",
  "count": 27,
  "subcount": 2,
  "resources": [
      "href": "http://localhost:3000/api/reports/80/results/27",
      "id": "27",
      "created_on": "2015-11-09T18:52:48Z"
      "href": "http://localhost:3000/api/reports/80/results/13",
      "id": "13",
      "created_on": "2015-07-29T18:24:35Z"

Requesting Report Result Downloads

Requesting a txt, csv or pdf download of the report results can be done via the request_download action requiring the desired result_type as follows:


POST /api/results/22
  "action" : "request_download",
  "result_type" : "csv"

This triggers an async request of the report and returns an action response as follows:


  "success": true,
  "message": "Requesting a download of a csv report for Result id:22 name:VMware VM Summary",
  "task_id": "46",
  "task_href": "http://localhost:3000/api/tasks/46",
  "task_results_href": "http://localhost:3000/api/tasks/46/task_results"

The task can simply be queried for a Finished state and the results then fetched via the task_results_href provided above.

Querying for the task completion:

GET /api/tasks/46
  "href": "http://localhost:3000/api/tasks/46",
  "id": "46",
  "name": "Generate Report result [csv]: 'VMware VM Summary'",
  "state": "Finished",
  "status": "Ok",
  "message": "Generate Report result [csv]",
  "userid": "admin",
  "created_on": "2020-05-06T17:15:29Z",
  "updated_on": "2020-05-06T17:15:30Z",
  "pct_complete": null,
  "context_data": {
    "result_id": "22",
    "result_type": "csv",
    "session_id": "1cae5e9c-9b3e-4ee1-a286-bc2a0131233d-7f4bc905"
  "results": null,
  "miq_server_id": "3",
  "identifier": null,
  "started_on": "2020-05-06T17:15:30Z",
  "zone": null,
  "actions": [
      "name": "delete",
      "method": "post",
      "href": "http://localhost:3000/api/tasks/46"
      "name": "delete",
      "method": "delete",
      "href": "http://localhost:3000/api/tasks/46"

And the results can be fetched as follows:

GET /api/tasks/46/task_results

This will return the report with the appropriately typed Content-Type, application/txt, application/csv, or application/pdf as per the requested download.

With a request_download action targeted at the collection level, one can also request the download for multiple report results as follows:

POST /api/results
  "action" : "request_download",
  "resources" : [
      { "id" : "15", "result_type" : "txt" },
      { "id" : "17", "result_type" : "txt" },
      { "id" : "22", "result_type" : "csv" }
  "results" : [
      "success": true,
      "message": "Requesting a download of a txt report for Result id:15 name:VMware VM Summary",
      "task_id": "54",
      "task_href": "http://localhost:3000/api/tasks/54",
      "task_results_href": "http://localhost:3000/api/tasks/54/task_results"
      "success": true,
      "message": "Requesting a download of a txt report for Result id:17 name:VMware VM Summary",
      "task_id": "55",
      "task_href": "http://localhost:3000/api/tasks/55",
      "task_results_href": "http://localhost:3000/api/tasks/55/task_results"
      "success": true,
      "message": "Requesting a download of a txt report for Result id:22 name:VMware VM Summary",
      "task_id": "56",
      "task_href": "http://localhost:3000/api/tasks/56",
      "task_results_href": "http://localhost:3000/api/tasks/56/task_results"

Each can then be individually queried and downloaded upon completion.

Importing Reports

Importing reports to the system can be done by posting an import action to the reports collection as follows:

POST /api/reports
  "action" : "import",
  "resource" : {
    "report" : { JSON serialized report },
    "options" : { "save" : true }

Here’s an example:


POST /api/reports
  "action" : "import",
  "resource" : {
    "report" : {
      "menu_name" : "Test Report",
      "col_order" : ["col1", "col2", "col3"],
      "cols"      : ["col1", "col2", "col3"],
      "rpt_type"  : "Custom",
      "title"     : "Test Report",
      "db"        : "My::Db",
      "rpt_group" : "Custom"
    "options" : { "save" : true }


  "results": [
      "success": true,
      "message": "Imported Report: [Test Report]",
      "result": {
        "id": "199",
        "name": "Test Report",
        "title": "Test Report",
        "rpt_group": "Custom",
        "rpt_type": "Custom",
        "db": "My::Db",
        "cols": [
        "col_order": [
        "created_on": "2015-11-09T19:44:37Z",
        "updated_on": "2015-11-09T19:44:37Z",
        "miq_group_id": "1",
        "user_id": "1"