- 1. Cloud Intelligence Dashboard
- 2. Creating Dashboard Widgets
- 3. Reports
- 4. Chargeback
- 5. Timelines
- 6. Alerts
- 6.1. Assigning the Notifier Role
- 6.2. Creating an Alert
- 6.3. Creating a Hardware Reconfigured Alert
- 6.4. Creating a Normal Operating Range Alert
- 6.5. Creating a Real Time Performance Alert
- 6.6. Creating an Hourly Performance Alert
- 6.7. Creating a hostd Log Threshold Alert
- 6.8. Creating a VMware Alarm Alert
- 6.9. Creating an Expression Alert
- 6.10. Create an Operational Alert
- 6.11. Operational Alert Types
- 6.12. Editing an Alert
- 6.13. Copying an Alert
- 6.14. Deleting an Alert
- 6.15. Evaluating an Alert
- 7. Alert Profiles
- 8. Importing and Exporting
- 9. RSS
- Appendix A: Regular Expressions
- Appendix B: Reportable Fields in ManageIQ
1. Cloud Intelligence Dashboard
Cloud Intelligence shows your virtual environment’s events, reports, and configurable alerts. This information supports better information technology decision making and predictions for future virtual machine management.
When you log in to the console, it brings you directly to the Cloud Intelligence Dashboard page by default. The console uses widgets to organize this page, providing you with a default set of commonly used widgets. The configuration items on these widgets are clickable, allowing you to drill down directly to a referenced item.
Customize this page to include the charts, reports, and RSS feeds you specifically want to see as soon as you log in to the console. You can add, remove, move, minimize, zoom into, and maximize widgets. Only users with the proper access can create widgets.
1.1. Adding a Widget
You can add widgets to the dashboard to accommodate the information you want to see upon login.
Navigate to
. -
Click (Add a Widget).
Select the widget you want to add from the list.
Only widgets that are not currently showing on the dashboard will appear in this list. |
1.2. Resetting to the Default Set of Widgets
You can reset to default set of widgets according to your needs with the following steps:
Navigate to
. -
Click (Reset Dashboard Widgets to the defaults).
1.3. Removing a Widget
You can remove a widget when you no longer need the widget to be displayed in the dashboard.
Navigate to
. -
From the widget that you want to remove, click (Remove from Dashboard) in the upper right corner of the widget.
Click OK.
The widget is removed from the dashboard, but it is not deleted. It can be added again if needed.
1.4. Zooming in to a Chart Widget
Navigate to
. -
From the chart widget that you want to enlarge, click (Zoom in) in the upper right corner of the widget.
The enlarged chart is opened in its own pop-up window. To close this window, click (Close) in the upper right corner.
1.5. Opening a Chart or Report Widget in Full Screen View
Navigate to
. -
From the chart or report widget that you want to enlarge, click (Full Screen view) in the upper right corner of the widget.
Click OK.
2. Creating Dashboard Widgets
2.1. Creating a Report Widget
Navigate to
. -
Click on the Dashboard Widgets accordion, then choose the Reports folder.
Click (Configuration), then click (Add a new Widget).
In the Basic Information area, type in a Title and Description. By default the widget will be active as soon as you create it. To make it inactive, uncheck the Active box.
From the Report Options area, select the filters until you are at the report you want for this widget. Select up to four columns from that report. Finally, for Row Count, select the number of rows that you want displayed.
In the Timer area, click the Run drop down to specify how often you want the widget data to get updated. The options displayed will depend on which Run option you choose. Select Hourly, Daily, Weekly, or Monthly.
Select a Time Zone. Type or select a date to begin the schedule in Starting Date. Select a Starting Time based on a 24 hour clock in the selected time zone.
If you change the time zone, you will need to reset the starting date and time. -
In the Visibility area, select <To All Users>, so that all users can use this widget no matter what user role they are assigned. Select <By Role> to assign this widget to specific user roles. Select <By Group> to assign this widget to specific groups.
Click Add.
2.2. Creating a Chart Widget
Navigate to
. -
Click the Dashboard Widgets accordion and click the Charts folder.
Click (Configuration), then click (Add a new Widget).
In the Basic Information area, type in a Title and Description. By default the widget will be active as soon as you create it. To make it inactive, uncheck the Active box.
From the Chart Report area, select a chart to display in the widget.
In the Timer area, click the Run drop down to specify how often you want the widget data to get updated. The options displayed will depend on which Run option you choose. Select Hourly, Daily, Weekly, or Monthly.
Select a Time Zone. Type or select a date to begin the schedule in Starting Date. Select a Starting Time based on a 24 hour clock in the selected time zone.
If you change the time zone, you will need to reset the starting date and time. -
In the Visibility area, select <To All Users>, so that all users can use this widget no matter what user role they are assigned. Select <By Role> to assign this widget to specific user roles. Select <By Group> to assign this widget to specific groups.
Click Add.
2.3. Creating an RSS Feed Widget
Navigate to
. -
Click the Dashboard Widgets accordion, and click the RSS Feeds folder.
Click (Configuration), then click (Add a new Widget).
In the Basic Information area, type in a Title and Description. By default the widget will be active as soon as you create it. To make it inactive, uncheck the Active box.
In the RSS Feed Options area, you have the following choices:
From Type, select Internal to use feed from ManageIQ. Then select the RSS feed, from the Internal RSS Feed dropdown.
From Type, select External to use a feed outside of ManageIQ. Then, either select the RSS feed or type your own.
From Row Count, select the number of rows you want returned from the RSS feed.
Select the Filters until you are at the report you want for this widget. Select up to three columns from that report. Finally, for Row Count, select the number of rows that you want displayed.
In the Timer area, click the Run drop down to specify how often you want the widget data to get updated. The options displayed will depend on which Run option you choose. Select Hourly, Daily, Weekly, or Monthly.
Select a Time Zone.
If you change the time zone, you will need to reset the starting date and time. -
Type or select a date to begin the schedule in Starting Date.
Select a Starting Time (UTC) based on a 24 hour clock in the selected Time Zone.
In the Visibility area, select <To All Users>, so that all users can use this widget no matter what user role they are assigned. Select <By Role> to assign this widget to specific user roles. Select <By Group> to assign this widget to specific groups.
Click Add.
2.4. Creating a Menu Widget
Navigate to
. -
Click the Dashboard Widgets accordion and click the Menus folder.
Click (Configuration), then click (Add a new Widget).
In the Basic Information area, type in a Title and Description. By default the widget will be active as soon as you create it. To make it inactive, uncheck the Active box.
In the Menu Shortcuts area, use the Add a Shortcut dropdown to select all the places in the console that you want to add to this widget.
In the Visibility area, select <To All Users>, so that all users can use this widget no matter what user role they are assigned. Select <By Role> to assign this widget to specific user roles. Select <By Group> to assign this widget to specific groups.
Click Add.
2.5. Editing a Widget
Navigate to
. -
Click the Dashboard Widgets accordion and select the widget you want to edit.
Click (Configuration), and then (Edit this Widget).
Make the required changes.
Click Save.
2.6. Copying a Widget
Navigate to
. -
Click the Dashboard Widget accordion, and select the widget you want to copy.
Click (Configuration), and then (Copy this Widget).
Type a unique name for the widget and edit its properties.
Click Save.
2.7. Deleting a Widget
Default widgets cannot be deleted, but they can be copied. |
Navigate to
. -
Click the Dashboard Widget accordion and select the widget you want to delete.
Click (Configuration), and then (Delete this Widget from the Database).
Click OK.
2.8. Importing a Widget
You can share widgets between appliances using the export and import features.
Navigate to
. -
In the Import/Export accordion, click Widgets.
In the Import area, click Browse to select an import file.
Click Upload.
2.9. Exporting a Widget
You can share widgets between appliances using the export and import features.
Navigate to
. -
In the Import/Export accordion, click Widgets.
In the Export area, select the widgets that you want to export.
Click Export.
2.10. Generating Widget Content Immediately
Navigate to
. -
Click the Dashboard Widgets accordion and select the widget you want to generate.
Click (Configuration), and then (Generate Widget Content now).
Click OK.
The content is generated immediately instead of waiting for the next scheduled update. Generation of widget content is shown under Tasks, accessed from the settings menu.
3. Reports
Click the Reports accordion under
to see a list of reports available. These reports have been constructed to help you view the most commonly requested and significant data. From here, you can also create reports if you have appropriate access. ManageIQ provides a large group of default reports organized into categories. Each category has its own set of subfolders.-
Configuration Management: hardware, application, network, service, user account, operating system, and snapshot information for all of your items.
Migration Readiness: information related to items required to migrate a virtual machine.
Operations: free space on registered and unregistered virtual machines, power states for virtual machines, and SmartState analysis status.
This category also provides reports relating to the operation of ManageIQ, such as user IDs and snapshots taken by ManageIQ.
VM Sprawl: usage information and disk waste.
Relationships: virtual machine, folder, and cluster relationships.
Events: operations and configuration management events.
Performance by Asset Type: performance of your virtual infrastructure.
You must be capturing capacity and utilization data to get this information.
Running Processes: information on processes running on a virtual machine.
You must have domain credentials entered for the zone to collect the information for these reports, and the virtual machine must have been analyzed at least once.
Trending: projections of datastore capacity, along with host CPU and memory use.
Tenants: quotas report aggregated by each tenant that shows quota name, total quota, in use, allocated, and available. The report currently lists all tenants and there is no nesting information available by parent and child tenants.
Provisioning: provisioning activity based on the approver, datastore, requester, and virtual machine.
For a complete list of reportable fields in ManageIQ, see Reportable Fields in ManageIQ.
3.1. Running Reports
There are two different ways to generate a report: by scheduling the report, or running the report manually by clicking the report generation button on the Reports page. ManageIQ uses interactive report generation so that reports are placed on a queue. A visual indicator of the reports status is shown. All reports are automatically saved so that they can be downloaded and analyzed later.
3.1.1. Generating a Single Report
Navigate to
. -
Click the
accordion. Navigate to the report you want to view by selecting the appropriate folder. -
Click (Queue).
The report generation is placed on the queue and its status shows in the reports page.
Click (Reload current display) to update the status.
When a report has finished generating, click on its row to view it.
3.2. Scheduling a Report
You can view historical data by creating reports on a scheduled basis. In addition, scheduled reports can be emailed directly to users.
You may need to disable, change the report filter, or change the frequency of a schedule. To do this, you will need to edit the schedule. |
There are two ways to schedule a report:
Add a new Schedule through the Reports accordion:
Navigate to
. -
Select a report from the Reports accordion and click Configuration.
Click Add a New Schedule or click the Schedules accordion and click Configuration > Add a New Schedule.
Add a new Schedule through the Schedules accordion:
Navigate to
. -
Click the Schedules accordion.
Click Configuration.
Click Add a New Schedule.
Adding new Schedule details.
In the Basic Information area, type in a Name and Description for the schedule.
By default, Active is checked to enable the scan.
The Report Selection area is pre-populated if you added the schedule directly from the report. If you are adding from the schedule according, use the Filter drop downs to select the report that you want to schedule.
In the Timer area, click the Run drop down to specify how often you want the analysis to run. Your options after that will depend on which run option you choose.
Click Once to have the analysis run just one time.
Click Daily to run the analysis on a daily basis. You will be prompted to select how many days you want between each analysis.
Click Hourly to run the analysis hourly. You will be prompted to select how many hours you want between each analysis.
Type or select a date to begin the schedule in Starting Date.
Select a Starting Time based on a 24 hour clock in the ManageIQ appliance’s Time Zone.
Use the E-Mail after Running feature to send an email after the report has been generated to selected users. The email will include a link to the report.
Check Send an E-mail.
In From (leave blank for default), type in the sending email.
Use Add a User, to select a specific user. The user must have a valid email address entered under accounts.
Use Add (enter manually) to type in the address not registered to a User.
Then, click (Add).
If you are sending an email after the report runs, then you can select further options under Email Options.
Check Send if Report is Empty if you want an email even if no records exist in the report.
Next to Attachments, check if you would like the report attached as a Text, CSV, or PDF file.
Click Add.
See https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en/red-hat-cloudforms/4.2-beta/paged/general-configuration in the General Configuration guide, to learn how to verify the address and validate outgoing email settings. |
3.3. Viewing Reports
Once you have created a schedule for a report, you can view it at any time after the first scheduled time has occurred.
Navigate to
. -
Click the Saved Reports accordion or the Reports accordion.
Click on the instance of the report you want to view.
3.3.1. Changing Report Views
Some reports can be viewed as charts as well as lists. Note that this will depend on the type of data and on how the report has been created. Where applicable, you will see these additional buttons. |
Navigate to
. -
Click the report to view. Click one of the following buttons for the view you want.
Click for Graph View.
Click for Hybrid View.
Click for Tabular View.
3.3.2. Report Download Buttons
When you click on one of the supplied reports, you are presented with a group of buttons to download the report in one of three formats or to view the report in a full screen.
Edit and delete buttons are only visible to administrators and super administrators. Edit and delete functions are only available to customer-created reports. The ManageIQ pre-configured reports cannot be edited or deleted, but they can be copied. |
3.3.3. Downloading a Report
Download reports to analyze the data using other tools or to print the report.
Navigate to
. -
Click the report you want to view.
Click on the row for the instance of the report you want to download. If the report needs to be generated, see Running Reports.
Click on the report download buttons for the type of export you want.
Click (Download this report in text format) to download as text.
Click (Download this report in csv format) to download as a comma-separated file.
Click (Download this report in PDF format) to download as PDF.
The report is automatically named with the type of report and date.
3.3.4. Showing a Report in Full Screen
View the report in full screen to examine report details. From full screen, you can also print the chart that accompanies a report.
Navigate to
. -
Click the
accordion and select the report that you want to view. -
Click the Saved Reports tab and select a report.
On the Saved Report detail screen, click (Configuration), and click (Show full screen Report).
The report will appear in full screen view. Click back on your browser to return to the reports explorer.
3.4. Adding a Report
Add reports if the default reports do not include what you need or you want to narrow the scope of a report. For example, you may want a report that shows only Windows virtual machines.
Navigate to
. -
Click the
accordion. -
Click (Configuration), then click (Add a New Report).
In the Columns tab, edit the Basic Report Info area.
Type a unique name in Menu Name for how you want the report described in the menu list.
Type the Title you want displayed on the report in title.
Add fields in the Configure Report Columns area.
Use the Base the report on table dropdown to choose a table to get fields from.
If you change the report base or the interval, all selections below will be reset. -
Select fields that you want in the report from Available Fields, and then click
(Move selected fields down)
. In addition to the fields, you can also select any tags that you have created and assigned. -
Change the order of the fields in the report by clicking
(Move selected fields up)
or(Move selected fields down)
Click on the Consolidation tab to consolidate and aggregate data points into maximum, minimum, average, and total. Specifically, this would be useful for analyzing performance data over a specific period of time.
Please note that if you do this, you will not see individual records, but rather the calculation as a column header. -
Select the columns to group by.
For each numeric field selected in the report, you can click the dropdown under Calculations. Check the calculations you want to use.
Click on the Formatting tab to set the size of paper for a PDF and column header format.
From the PDF Output area, select the page size from the dropdown.
From Specify Column Headers and Formats, type the text you want displayed for each field. For each numeric field, you can also set the numeric format.
Click on the Styling tab to change the color of the text or the background for a row based on a condition.
Use Style to select the format for the value. You can choose to change the text color or the background.
Use If to create a conditional statement for the style.
Click on the Filter tab to set filters for the data displayed in the report. There are two types of filters: the first is the Record Filter which is the primary filter of the main tables records, the second is also a Display Filter, which is a secondary filter of rows based on the fields of the child table. Click in the appropriate area to use the expression editor to choose the appropriate options for your criteria. Based on what you choose, different options will show.
Click Field to create criteria based on field values.
Click Count of to create criteria based on the count of something, such as the number of snapshots for a virtual machine, or the number of virtual machines on a host.
Click Tag to create criteria based on tags assigned to your resources. For example, you may want to check the power state of a virtual machine or see if it is tagged as production.
Click Registry to create criteria based on registry values. For example, you may want to check if DCOM is enabled on a Windows system. (Note that this applies only to Windows operating systems.)
Click Find to seek a particular value, and then check a property. For example, finding the
account and checking that it is enabled. -
(Commit Expression Element Changes)
to add the expression.The filters that you apply will show at the bottom of the report so that you know which filters have been applied.
Click on the Summary tab to select sort order, sort type, groupings, and group calculations for the report. Summary groups rows of data based on the sort breaks. You can only sort by fields that display in the report.
Set the primary sort in Sort the Report by.
Set the next sorts in Within Above Field, Sort By.
Select the type of sort, ascending or descending, in Sort order.
In Show Sort breaks, select Yes to show the sort breaks, Counts to show sort breaks with the count, or No for no sort breaks.
For any numeric field, you can select to show minimum, average, maximum, and total in the sort break.
Click on the Charts tab to create a chart for the report. This is not required.
Use Choose a chart type to select a type of chart. Note that some charts may not produce the result you are looking for based on the types of fields in the report and its sort order.
If you only want to see the top values, select the number of top values from Top values to show.
If you want to see the total number of values that are not categorized or evaluated against others, check Sum 'Other' values.
Click on the Timeline tab to select a timeline for the report. You must have a field of time or date format to use this feature.