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Tagged with Sprints

Sprint 60 review - May 10, 2017

Sprint 60 is mostly focused on the stabilization of upcoming Fine release, with close to half of the total 570 pull requests (a new high) going towards bug fixes. This sprint marks the first time that the Classic UI repo has outpaced the core ManageIQ repo in PRs, 158 to 148. From Sprint 52 to 60, the number of ManageIQ repositories went from 103 to 114 (11 new repos over 8 sprints), and more are being planned. We have a new “Repository Health Report” which includes number of files, Code Climate GPA scores and issues, as well as test coverages across different repos.

Sprint 57 review - March 29, 2017

Welcome to Sprint 57 recap. In this sprint we merged a total of 565 pull request combined, almost 10% more than last sprint’s 518, and well ahead of what we used to achieve with 3-week sprints in 2016! The 180 PRs in the main repo is distributed in thirds between enhancements, bugs, and everything else. We are also growing in number of repos, from 103 repos 5 sprints ago, to 108 now. The new repos introduced this sprint are amazon_ssa_support and manageiq-ui-scaffold. More info on them will come as they get populated.

Sprint 56 review - March 15, 2017

Greetings from FOSSASIA 2017 in Singapore! It’s exciting to see the growth of the open source movement in Asia and I hope to share more about ManageIQ with everyone I meet here. However, since I’m bustling about at this activity-filled event, I’ll have to make this post shorter than usual.

Sprint 55 review - March 1, 2017

Welcome once again to a sprint review recap. This time we are looking at Sprint 55, which produced a total of 495 pull requests across all the ManageIQ repos. :fist::fist: We used to see similar numbers in 3-week sprints last year! Even though we haven’t done an official comparison, PR counts seem to be drifting up in many repos, including the main repo (with 144 PRs this sprint) which has been split into many parts. With 2 more new repos (font-fabulous and manageiq-api-mock) this sprint, it seems that while the repo-splits caused some initial disruption, the outcome allowed for more velocity per repository.

Sprint 54 review - February 15, 2017

Welcome to the Sprint 54 review recap! For this sprint, we had 126 pull requests in the main ManageIQ repo, with a good mix of enhancements, bugs, cleanup and more. The Classic UI repo contributed 80 more PRs, with Integration tests following closely at 77 PRs. Grand total across all repos is 462. As we keep splitting out repos from the monolith (which is looking less like one every sprint), the majority of the work will be going outside of the main repo.

Sprint 53 review - February 1, 2017

As we move on to our second 2-week Sprint, we find 146 pull requests merged in the main ManageIQ repo, with enhancements and bugs taking up 2/3 of the pie. Further breakdown shows 39 PRs in the providers category, 21 in API, 20 in core and 12 in UI, and we expect the number of remaining UI PRs to go down to zero with the recent repo split. Across all the repos, which includes 77 repos under the ManageIQ umbrella, and 14 manageiq-* ones, there were 432 pull requests in total.

Sprint 51 review - January 4, 2017

Welcome to the first sprint review of 2017! It was a relatively succinct meeting, so I’ll try to keep this short and sweet. First, a couple of news items in case you missed them:

Schedule change: 3-week Sprints to 2-week Sprints

Happy New Year! We’re starting off 2017 with a notable change in the ManageIQ process. In an effort to become more agile, and allow more flexibility in planning and scheduling, we will be switching from 3-week Sprints to 2-week Sprints.

ManageIQ Community Sprints - Now with Trello

If you’ve been participating in our sprint reports, you’ve no doubt found them to be an excellent way to stay apprised of feature progress in ManageIQ. I’m happy to announce that our community activities are now part of the 3-week sprints and included in the sprint reports.