
Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) Container Provider

After initial installation and creation of a ManageIQ environment you can add an Azure Kubernetes Service Container provider.

You will need to retrieve the cluster hostname and the cluster_admin token.

Navigate to your AKS cluster in the Azure Portal (https://portal.azure.com). In the Overview tab search for the API server address. This is the hostname that you will need when you create your provider.

Next you need to retrieve your cluster_admin token, click on the Connect button. This will open a panel with instructions on running the az command line utility in Azure Cloud Shell (you can also run this locally if you have the az utility installed).

az account set --subscription SUBSCRIPTION_ID
az aks get-credentials --admin --resource-group RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME --name CLUSTER_NAME
Merged "CLUSTER_NAME-admin" as current context in ~/.kube/config

Now grab the token for your user out of the ~.kube/config file. If this is the only cluster configured in your ~/.kube/config then you can simply run:

grep 'token: ' .kube/config
    token: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwx

If you already have multiple clusters configured search for your AKS cluster admin user, it will be named clusterAdmin_${RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME}_${CLUSTER_NAME}

  1. Browse to menu: Compute > Containers > Providers.

  2. Click Configuration, then click Add a New Containers Provider (Add a New Containers Provider).

  3. Enter a Name for the provider.

  4. From the Type list, select Azure Kubernetes Service.

  5. Enter the appropriate Zone for the provider. If you do not specify a zone, it is set to default.

  6. In the Default tab, configure the following for the AKS provider:

    1. Select a Security Protocol method to specify how to authenticate the provider:

      • SSL: Authenticate the provider securely using a trusted Certificate Authority. Select this option if the provider has a valid SSL certificate and it is signed by a trusted Certificate Authority. No further configuration is required for this option.

      • SSL trusting custom CA: Authenticate the provider with a self-signed certificate. For this option, copy your provider’s CA certificate to the Trusted CA Certificates box in PEM format.

      • SSL without validation: Authenticate the provider insecurely (not recommended).

    2. Enter the Hostname of the provider that you obtained earlier.


      The Hostname must use a unique fully qualified domain name.

    3. Enter the API Port of the provider. The default port is 443.

    4. Enter the token that you obtained earlier for your provider in the Token box.

    5. Click Validate to confirm that ManageIQ can connect to the Azure Kubernetes Service provider.

  7. Click Add.