On behalf of the ManageIQ team, we’re pleased to announce the 2nd Release Candidate for ManageIQ Hammer! You can download the Hammer RC2 here
Reinventing the proxy for our remote consoles
Hello everyone, my name is David and I would like to tell you a story that started two years ago. Back in 2016 when ManageIQ was running on Rails 4.2 and the Rails 5 was in beta was when I started looking into ActionCable and WebSockets in general. I had this vision of having asynchronous notifications being emitted from long-running backend jobs that we could display on the frontend as notifications. In the meantime I had some bugs assigned to me about browser-based remote consoles. As you can guess, these consoles were also powered by WebSockets and I had a feeling that I could do some improvements in the area.
Announcing Gaprindashvili-7
We’ve just built Gaprindashvili-7. This release contains security and bug fixes, UI tweaks, and stabilization. Here are just a few of the things added since Gaprindashvili-6 release: