Writing VCR Provider Spec Tests
So you’ve just done a refresh with your new provider, congratulations. Now it is time to make sure it continues to work by writing some tests.
How do you test code which makes API calls without having access to a live system? There is a ruby gem called VCR which “records” HTTP API calls and then plays them back later. This allows us to test code which would normally have to point to a live API without having to stub every single method call.
The results of the recording are stored in the VCR config.cassette_library_dir
as YAML files with request/response pairs. VCR will automatically stub the HTTP layer for you, and when it recognizes a request it will replay the saved response for you. This allows for mostly normal operation while running in an isolated CI system.
If you generated your provider plugin with the --vcr
flag then the VCR configuration should have already been done for you. If not simply add the following to the bottom of your spec/spec_helper.rb
VCR.configure do |config|
config.ignore_hosts 'codeclimate.com' if ENV['CI']
config.cassette_library_dir = ManageIQ::Providers::AwesomeCloud::Engine.root.join('spec/vcr_cassettes')
The next thing we have to take care of is hiding “secrets”. Since the VCR YAML files will be committed to source control it is critical that private information like passwords do not make it into these files.
VCR handles this with the config.define_cassette_placeholder
option. You provide VCR with a string that you want to be replaced, and then what you want it to be replaced with. This allows for hostnames / passwords / etc… to be used when recording the cassette but the values will not be written to the resulting YAML files.
ManageIQ has a pattern to help you with this, simply create a config/secrets.defaults.yml
awesome_cloud_defaults: &awesome_cloud_defaults
<<: *awesome_cloud_defaults
Then create a config/secrets.yml
file (this file will not be committed and should be in your .gitignore):
access_key: "YOUR_REAL_ACCESS_KEY"
secret_key: "YOUR_REAL_SECRET_KEY"
Then add the following to your VCR.configure
block in spec/spec_helper.rb
after setting the config.cassette_library_dir
secrets = Rails.application.secrets
secrets.awesome_cloud.each do |key, val|
config.define_cassette_placeholder(secrets.awesome_cloud_defaults[key]) { val }
Writing the tests
Now that we have VCR configured it is time to start writing your spec tests. First we will start with the Refresher to test the refresh process of your new provider.
Create a file called spec/models/manageiq/providers/awesome_cloud/cloud_manager/refresher_spec.rb
describe ManageIQ::Providers::AwesomeCloud::CloudManager::Refresher do
include Spec::Support::EmsRefreshHelper
let(:zone) { EvmSpecHelper.create_guid_miq_server_zone.last }
let!(:ems) do
FactoryBot.create(:ems_awesome_cloud, :zone => zone).tap do |ems|
access_key, secret_key = Rails.application.secrets.awesome_cloud.values_at(:access_key, :secret_key)
ems.update_authentication(:default => {:userid => access_key, :password => secret_key})
describe ".refresh" do
context "full refresh" do
it "Performs a full refresh" do
# Run the refresh twice to catch any record duplication across
# multiple refreshes
2.times do
with_vcr { described_class.refresh([ems]) }
# Reload the ems record to ensure all associations are up to date
# Add your tests here
# etc...
def assert_ems
expect(ems.last_refresh_error).to be_nil
expect(ems.last_refresh_date).not_to be_nil
expect(ems.last_inventory_date).not_to be_nil
# Update the counts to match what you have in your test environment
# expect(ems.vms.count).to eq(1)
# expect(ems.flavors.count).to eq(2)
# expect(ems.miq_templates.count).to eq(3)
# etc...
With that file created run the specs with the rspec
bundle exec rspec spec/models/manageiq/awesome_cloud/cloud_manager/refresher_spec.rb
That should run through and end up creating a file in spec/vcr_cassettes/manageiq/providers/awesome_cloud/cloud_manager/refresher.yml
From now on when you run the specs it will use the results in the file rather than hitting the API directly.
Now fill out the refresher_spec.rb file with more checks to ensure that inventory is collected and associated properly.
Updating the VCR cassettes
Now that you have your specs recorded, what happens if you want to collect something new? Like you now want to start fetching floating IPs or Cloud Volumes?
It is simple to re-record your VCR cassette, simply remove the file then rerun the specs against the same environment:
rm spec/vcr_cassettes/manageiq/providers/awesome_cloud/cloud_manager/refresher.yml
bundle exec rspec spec/models/manageiq/awesome_cloud/cloud_manager/refresher_spec.rb
Make sure that you have your config/secrets.yml
file still present, you might have to update the expected counts as things in your environment have likely changed but you now should have an updated VCR cassette.