
ManageIQ uses the standard Ruby Logger interface, with a custom formatter that is mostly just minor changes from the default formatter. Additionally, we use a logger abstraction library, called manageiq-loggers in order to support multiple log targets and formats.

An example log message looks like:

[----] I, [2020-01-01T12:34:56.789012 #12345:6789abcdef01]  INFO -- : MIQ(Class#method) Example message


  • [----] is a placeholder for future use
  • I is the single character form of the log level (e.g. I == INFO)
  • 2020-01-01T12:34:56.789012 is the timestamp of the message in ISO8601 format
  • 12345 is the process ID (PID)
  • 6789abcdef01 is the Ruby thread ID (TID) in hexadecimal
  • INFO is the log level (can also be DEBUG, WARN, ERROR, FATAL)
  • MIQ(Class#method) is an optional location in the code where the message was logged
  • Example message is the logged message

Container log format

In container deployments, ManageIQ also broadcasts logs to STDOUT in structured JSON format, so that it can be consumed by a cluster-level log aggregator. For, example OpenShift has a feature called cluster logging, which consumes STDOUT and feeds those lines to ElasticSearch as part of an EFK stack (ElasticSearch / Fluentd / Kibana). However, because it is simple JSON, the output could be consumed by any log aggregator, such as Splunk, if it were so configured.

An example log message looks like the following:

  "message":"MIQ(Class#method) Example message"

NOTE: The JSON is broken apart here for demonstration, but in STDOUT will appear as a single line.


In development, a number of log objects are available, with $log being the primary log object. There are a number of separate log objects created for various purposes, particularly for provider clients. The Rails logger is also available via $rails_log (or the standard Rails.logger). See lib/vmdb/loggers.rb for the complete list of loggers.

Additionally, if the Vmdb::Logging module is mixed into a class, then the _log method is available. This method will automatically prefix the code location to the message, and so is the most preferred way to do logging.