Hi all! Daniel Berger here again from the Providers team. This is my second Last Week in ManageIQ post, where I try to distill the week’s highlights of ManageIQ development into a nice, digestable format.

This past week saw 42 PR’s merged into ManageIQ core.

Our provider repositories were rather quiet last week, so both the Classic UI and Service UI teams “picked up the slack” as it were, with 31 PR’s merged for the Classic UI and 6 PR’s merged for the Service UI.


The Classic UI saw several improvements. Some highlights include:

Policy event assignment styling

Sane default port for Lenovo

Show last refresh time

Support physical infrastructure policies in the UI


Among other bug fixes, there were about a dozen bugs or so that were fixed for the Classic UI last week. Some highlights include:

Titles and labels for Openstack hosts and clusters

Ansible now allows the git protocol as valid input

Quadicon styling for VM’s fixed

Cancel button button enabled for custom form

Middleware providers link fixed

Meanwhile on the backend there were several fixes as well. Among others we saw:

Logging and IPv6

Fix for orchestrated destroy


We continue to chip away at gems-pending as we move its contents into their own gems:

Remove psych dependency

Remove vmdb-logger from appliance console

Wrapping up

That’s it for this week. If you would like to get involved, head over to our Current Issues and take a gander.