Easy Install With Kubernetes

You can get ManageIQ up and running quickly on a Kubernetes cluster using Minikube

Ensure minikube is installed and configured with enough resources:

$ minikube config view
- disk-size: 100G
- ingress: true
- memory: 10G
- cpus: 4
- dashboard: true

Ensure the oc command line tool is installed:

This can be downloaded from the OpenShift Origin releases page

Step 1: Get the release templates

Clone the manageiq-pods repo and check out the latest branch

$ git clone https://github.com/ManageIQ/manageiq-pods
$ cd manageiq-pods
$ git checkout quinteros-1

Step 2: Modify the deploy parameters

The parameters file dictates how the application will be deployed. For a non-production use-case the memory and cpu requests and limits can be decreased. Additionally, APPLICATION_DOMAIN should be set to a hostname which will route back to your minikube VM.

Step 3: Run the deploy script

bin/deploy parameters

Step 4: Patch the httpd deployment

oc patch deployment httpd -p '{"spec":{"template":{"spec":{"containers":[{"name": "httpd", "securityContext":{"capabilities":{"add":["SYS_ADMIN"]}}}]}}}}'

ManageIQ is now up and running at the host provided in the APPLICATION_DOMAIN parameter.

For more detailed installation instructions see the guide in the manageiq-pods repository.

Next step is to perform some basic configuration.