Provider Support

Provider management including CRUD operations as well as the refresh action is available via the REST API. Management of providers is through:


Querying Providers

Providers can be queried as follows:

GET /api/providers

A specific provider can also be queried by its id:

GET /api/providers/:id

Foreman type providers can be queried by specifying the provider_class as follows:

GET /api/providers?provider_class=provider

Cloud Networks

The Cloud Networks of a provider can be queried by asking for the cloud_networks subcollection as follows:

GET /api/providers/:id/cloud_networks
GET /api/providers/:id/cloud_networks/:cloud_network_id

Or expanding the Cloud Networks in addition to the provider as follows:

GET /api/providers/:id?expand=cloud_networks

Cloud Subnets

The Cloud Subnets of a provider can be queried by asking for the cloud_subnets subcollection as follows:

GET /api/providers/:id/cloud_subnets
GET /api/providers/:id/cloud_subnets/:cloud_subnet_id

Or expanding the Cloud Subnets in addition to the provider as follows:

GET /api/providers/:id?expand=cloud_subnets

Load Balancers

Load Balancers of providers can be queried via the load_balancers subcollection as follows:

Query all Load Balancers of a provider:

GET /api/providers/:id/load_balancers

Query a specific Load Balancer of a provider:

GET /api/providers/:id/load_balancers/:load_balancer_id

Or expanding the Load Balancers for the specific provider as follows:

GET /api/providers/:id?expand=load_balancers

Virtual Machines

Virtual Machines of providers can be queried via the vms subcollection as follows:

Query all VMs of a provider:

GET /api/providers/:id/vms

Query a specific VM of a provider:

GET /api/providers/:id/vms/:vm_id

Or expanding the VMs for the specific provider as follows:

GET /api/providers/:id?expand=vms

Query specific VMs of a provider and get their name and vendor attributes:

GET /api/providers/:id/vms?filter[]=name='test*'&attributes=name,vendor&expand=resources

Creating Providers

Creating a provider is done via the create action as follows:

POST /api/providers
  "action" : "create",
  "resource" : {
    # New Provider JSON

And like other create actions, the new provider data can simply be posted to the /api/providers URL.

POST /api/providers
  # New Provider JSON

Please refer to the Resource Attributes page for a list of available attributes when creating providers.

For example, creating a VMware type provider:

POST /api/providers
  "name" : "vCenter 5",
  "type" : "ManageIQ::Providers::Vmware::InfraManager",
  "hostname" : "my_vcenter_50",
  "ipaddress" : "",
  "zone" :  { "href" : "http://localhost:3000/api/zone/1" },
  "credentials" :  {
    "userid" : "vcenter_admin",
    "password" : "vcenter_password"

If zone is not specified, the Default zone will be used.

The type attribute specifies the supported provider class names which include:













Please note that the provider type classes have changed in the appliance from earlier releases (v2.0.0 of the API). Please refer to the Provider Types page for a mapping from the old to the new types.

Specifying Credentials

When creating or updating providers, the credentials can be specified as a a single default set, or a compound set where additional credentials are necessary, for example AMPQ for OpenStack or Metrics for RHEVM.

Single default credentials set:

  "name" : "vCenter 50",
  "type" : "ManageIQ::Providers::Vmware::InfraManager",
  "credentials" :  {
    "userid" : "vc_admin",
    "password" : "vc_password"

Compound credentials set:

  "name" : "RHEVM",
  "type" : " ManageIQ::Providers::Redhat::InfraManager",
  "credentials" : [
       "userid"    : "default_userid",
       "password"  : "default_password"
       "userid"    : "metrics_userid",
       "password"  : "metrics_password",
       "auth_type" : "metrics"

Specifying Connection Configurations

When creating or updating providers, connection configurations can be set. Connection configurations can be used to specify resources such as an amqp event provider for OpenStack, adding Hawkular metrics, or an authentication token.

Hawkular metrics:

  "name": "Openshift Provider",
  "type": "ManageIQ::Providers::Openshift::ContainerManager",
  "connection_configurations": [
      "endpoint": {
        "role"                  : "hawkular",
        "hostname"              : "hawkular_host",
        "port"                  : "1443",
        "security_protocol"     : "ssl-without-validation",
        "certificate_authority" : "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----",
        "verify_ssl": 0
      "authentication": {
        "role"     :  "hawkular",
        "auth_key" :  "hawkular_auth_key"

Amqp event provider:

  "name": "Openstack Provider",
  "type": "ManageIQ::Providers::Openstack::CloudManager",
  "connection_configurations": [
      "endpoint": {
        "role"              : "amqp",
        "hostname"          : "",
        "port"              : "5672",
        "security_protocol" : "non-ssl"
      "authentication": {
        "userid"   : "amqp_userid",
        "password" : "amqp_password",
        "role"     : "amqp"

Ceilometer event provider:

  "name"              : "Openstack Provider",
  "type"              : "ManageIQ::Providers::Openstack::CloudManager",
  "hostname"          : "",
  "ipaddress"         : "",
  "security_protocol" : "ssl",
  "connection_configurations": {
      "userid"   :  "userid",
      "password" :  "password"
  "connection_configurations": [
      "endpoint" : {
        "role"   : "ceilometer"

Editing Providers

Editing provider is available via the edit action with the resource specifying the attributes to update for that provider.

POST /api/providers/:id
  "action" : "edit" ,
  "resource" : {
    "hostname" : "new_vcenter_50",
    "ipaddress" : ""
type is a restricted attribute and cannot be edited.

Deleting Providers

Deleting a provider is done via the delete method:

DELETE /api/providers/:id

or via the delete action as follows:

POST /api/providers/:id
  "action" : "delete"

or by href:

POST /api/providers
  "action" : "delete",
  "resources" : [
    { "href" : "http://localhost:3000/api/providers/:id" }

Refresh Providers

Performing a refresh of providers is done via the refresh action.

POST /api/providers/:id
  "action" : "refresh"

You can also refresh multiple providers:

POST /api/providers
  "action" : "refresh",
  "resources" : [
    { "href" : "http://localhost:3000/api/providers/:id" },
    { "href" : "http://localhost:3000/api/providers/:id" }

Import Vm to Provider

Importing a VM into a provider is supported via the import_vm action.

This is currently supported for importing a Vm from a VMware vCenter provider into a Red Hat Virtualization provider.

POST /api/providers/:id
  "action" : "import_vm"
  "resource" : {
    "source" : { "href" : "http://localhost:3000/api/vms/11" },
    "target" : {
      "name"       : "new_vm_name",
      "cluster"    : { "href" : "http://localhost:3000/api/clusters/201" },
      "data_store" : { "href" : "http://localhost:3000/api/data_stores/301" },
      "sparse"     : true

Foreman Support

Management of Foreman providers is provided as a seperate class of providers. This is still accessed via the /api/providers entry point, but enabled by a new parameter:

  GET|POST|DELETE /api/providers?provider_class=provider

The provider_class parameter is supported with /api/provider for all CRUD operations including the refresh action.

An example of creating a Foreman provider:

POST /api/providers?provider_class=provider
  "type"      : "ManageIQ::Providers::Foreman::Provider",
  "name"      : "new_foreman_111",
  "url"       : "100.200.300.111",
  "credentials" : {
    "userid"   : "foreman_admin",
    "password" : "foreman_password"

When creating providers with provider_class as provider, the type attribute specifies the supported provider class names which include:




When managing providers of provider provider_class, Tagging and Policy management does not currently apply. So requests including the tags, policies and policy_profiles subcollections will be rejected.

Provider Examples

Below you will find example requests for creating various providers.

Ansible Tower Automation Manager:

  "type": "ManageIQ::Providers::AnsibleTower::AutomationManager",
  "name": "API test",
  "api_version": "3.1.2",
  "provider_id": 10000000000012,
  "credentials": {
    "userid": "userid",
    "password": "password"


  "type": "ManageIQ::Providers::Amazon::CloudManager",
  "provider_region": "us-east-1",
  "name": "Amazon Example",
  "credentials": {
    "userid": "<access key id>",
    "password": "<secret access key>"


  "type": "ManageIQ::Providers::Azure::CloudManager",
  "name": "Azure Example",
  "provider_region": "eastus",
  "uid_ems": "<tenant_id>",
  "subscription": "<subscription_id>",
  "credentials": {
    "userid": "<client id>",
    "password": "<client key>"

Kubernetes Container Manager:

  "type": "ManageIQ::Providers::Kubernetes::ContainerManager",
  "name": "Kubernetes Test",
  "connection_configurations": [
      "endpoint": {
        "hostname": "",
        "port": "6443",
        "security_protocol": "ssl"
      "authentication": {
        "authtype": "bearer",
        "auth_key": "<token_here>"

Microsoft System Center VMM (SCVMM):

  "type": "ManageIQ::Providers::Microsoft::InfraManager",
  "name": "SCVMM API example",
  "api_version": "2.1.0",
  "connection_configurations": [
      "endpoint": {
        "hostname": "",
        "port": "443",
        "security_protocol": "ssl"
      "authentication": {
        "username": "username",
        "password": "password"

OpenShift Container Manager:

            "auth_key":"<auth key>"

OpenStack Cloud Manager:

  "type": "ManageIQ::Providers::Openstack::CloudManager",
  "name": "API Example",
  "api_version": "v2",
  "connection_configurations": [
      "endpoint": {
        "role": "default",
        "hostname": "",
        "port": "5000",
        "security_protocol": "non-ssl"
      "authentication": {
        "type": "ManageIQ::Providers::Openstack::CloudManager::AuthKeyPair",
        "fingerprint": "fingerprint"

OpenStack Infra Manager:

  "type": "ManageIQ::Providers::Openstack::InfraManager",
  "name": "OSP API example",
  "api_version": "v2",
  "connection_configurations": [
      "endpoint": {
        "hostname": "",
        "port": "5000",
        "security_protocol": "non-ssl"
      "authentications": {
        "username": "username",
        "password": "password"

Red Hat Virtualization Manager:

  "type": "ManageIQ::Providers::Redhat::InfraManager",
  "name": "Sample Rhevm",
  "port": 5000,
  "hostname": "",
  "ipaddress": "100.200.300.4",
  "security_protocol": "kerberos",
  "certificate_authority": "----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----...",
  "credentials": {
    "userid": "uname",
    "password": "password"

VMware Infra Manager:

  "type": "ManageIQ::Providers::Vmware::InfraManager",
  "name": "Sample VMWare provider",
  "hostname": "",
  "ipaddress": "100.200.300.1",
  "credentials": {
    "userid": "uname",
    "password": "pword"

VMware Cloud Manager:

  "type": "ManageIQ::Providers::Vmware::CloudManager",
  "api_version": "9.0",
  "name": "Api Test",
  "connection_configurations": [
      "endpoint": {
        "port": "443",
        "hostname": ""
      "authentication": {
        "username": "username",
        "password": "pword"